provides reasonable returns to investors as a part of its duty towards shareholders. We currently provide up to 7.5% daily returns on your deposits in our company for a period of 20 days.
As a basic member, you can invest as little as $500 and as much as $3999 in this plan. It generates 10% for you over a period of 24 Hours. The principal is included in your profit.
Then comes the "Silver" Plan. This starts where the “Basic” plan leaves off, allowing you to invest between $4000 and $12,999, generating slightly better returns of 14% for a period of 48 Hours. As with the starter plan, The principal is included in your profit.
We then have an upgraded subscription plan for investors, giving them access to the "VIP" Zone.
You may invest an amount ranging from just $13,000 up to a maximum of $29,999 and earn a return of 18% over your investment for a period of 3 Months.
This plan is suitable for investors who are willing to invest big.
Beginning with a minimum amount of $30,000, up to a maximum of $200,000, offering a return of 25% over a period of 6 Months.
We are always excited to hear from you. If you have a specific request, please get in touch using the help center and someone from our team will follow up with you shortly.